Friday, 16 October 2015

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Saturday, 10 October 2015

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Monday, 13 July 2015

How are reports of abuse, spam, and technical problems handled?

When you sign up for a Google Apps account, you agree not to use the account to send spam, distribute viruses, or otherwise abuse the service. All users on your domain are subject to these agreements, which are part of the Google Apps Acceptable Use Policy.

If Google identifies a Google Apps user who is violating these agreements, we reserve the right to immediately suspend the user. If the problem is domain-wide, we reserve the right to suspend the entire account and deny administrator access to all the Google Apps services. In such cases, we send a notification to the registered secondary email address for the domain administrator.

If you identify a Google Apps user who is violating these agreements, at your domain or another domain, you can report the abuse to Google by sending an email message to or, where is the domain where the abuse occurs. Google monitors these addresses for every domain registered with Google Apps.

For your convenience, the Google Team monitors all mail sent to the addresses and, to ensure that we can properly address all reports of spam, abuse, and technical issues. Since abuse and postmaster are reserved aliases, you can't use them as usernames or nicknames.

If you want particular users in your organization to receive mail sent to and, you can create groups named abuse and postmaster. Users that are part of these groups will receive mail sent to those addresses. The Google Team will still receive the mail as well.

More Information You May visit on -

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Editorial & professional requirements

4) Punctuation and Symbols

  • Read the policy above. Here are some examples of excessive or gimmicky punctuation and symbols that we don't allow:
    • Exclamation point in the ad's headline
    • More than one exclamation point in an ad
    • Repeated punctuation or symbols
    • Symbols, numbers, and letters that don't adhere to their true meaning or purpose such as using "@ home" to mean "at home"
    • Non-standard use of superscripts
    • Non-standard symbols or characters like asterisks and vertical lines
    • Bullet points
    • Ellipses
    Exceptions: Such punctuation and symbols are allowed in ads for these circumstances:
    • Trademarks, brand names, or product names that use non-standard punctuation or symbols consistently throughout your website
    • Symbols used in commonly acceptable ways like using an asterisk (*) to indicate hotel star rating in "5* hotels"
    • Legally-required asterisks or superscript to indicate that conditions apply
    If your ad meets one of those exceptions, please request a review. We'll review the information and see if we can approve your ad.
  • Change your ad. If your ad violates this policy, please edit it to make it comply.

      • On your Ads tab, hover over the ad you want to edit.
      • Click the pencil icon next to your ad to edit it.
      • Click Save when you're done.
      Once you edit and save your ad, it gets sent to us for review. Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review. If we find that you've removed the unacceptable content from your ad and landing page, we can approve your ad to start running.

    If you aren't able to fix these violations or choose not to, please remove your ad to help prevent your account from becoming suspended in the future for having too many disapproved ads.

    Editorial & professional requirements

    3) Capitalization

  • Read the policy above. Here are some examples of what we don't allow in your ad text and display URL:
    • Excessive capitalization, such as words or phrases in all capitals like "FREE"
    • Inter-capitalization within words like "FrEe ShIpPiNg"
    Exceptions: Full capitalization and inter-capitalization is allowed in ads for these circumstances:
    • Trademarks, brand names, or product names like "AdWords" that are consistently capitalized throughout your website
    • Common abbreviations like "ASAP" and acronyms like "USA"
    • Coupon codes
    If your ad meets one of those exceptions, please request a review. We'll review the information and see if we can approve your ad.
  • Change your ad. If your ad violates this policy, please edit it to make it comply.

      • On your Ads tab, hover over the ad you want to edit.
      • Click the pencil icon next to your ad to edit it.
      • Click Save when you're done.
      Once you edit and save your ad, it gets sent to us for review. Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review. If we find that you've removed the unacceptable content from your ad and landing page, we can approve your ad to start running.

    If you aren't able to fix these violations or choose not to, please remove your ad to help prevent your account from becoming suspended in the future for having too many disapproved ads.

    Editorial & professional requirements

    2 ) Destination URL Not Working
  • Check the URL that you entered. Visit your account's Ads tab and click the pencil icon Pencil Icon next to your ad to see the final URL or destination URL that you entered.
    • Check that there are no typos in the landing page URL that you entered.
    • Your ad's landing page URL can't lead to an email address or a file instead of a webpage. Such files include image, audio, video, or document files that require an additional application to open or run such as PDF, Word, or PowerPoint files.
  • Check your landing page. If you had entered the URL correctly, then it's possible that your webpage is not working correctly. Here are some things to check:
    • Site should load properly: Your ad can't lead to a website that's under construction or that links to an error page that displays a status code beginning with a 4 or a 5 (such as a 405 error). If your landing page is not working, pause your ad until your site is fully functioning. Or, replace your landing page URL with a different page on your site that works, then save your ad so we can review it again.
      • Even if your landing page loads successfully for you, it might not be loading properly in other circumstances like in other web browsers or by the AdWords system. Your landing page must work properly for all locations, regardless of where you're targeting your ad. Check your landing page on various browsers and devices to make sure that it always links to a working website.
    • Site should load quickly: Your landing page should load quickly on most popular browsers and devices. We recommend avoiding content or features on your site that delay a page's load time and that may make a user think that your site isn't working.
    • Site should be crawlable: If your site blocks AdsBot-Google in your robots.txt file, make the required edits to your configuration.
    • Keyword URLs: If you're using keyword URLs, your ad could be disapproved because you have keyword-level landing page URLs that no longer work. Edit your keyword URL so that it leads to a functioning landing page.
    • Check your tracking URLs: If you're using dynamic tracking URLs, they must lead to a valid URL and meet all of the requirements listed here for landing page URLs. Please check that your URL template is configured correctly and does not cause a "404 page not found" loading error.
  • Fix your landing page. Once you've confirmed that your site works properly and meets the requirements above, here's how submit your ad to us for review:
      • On your Ads tab, look at the "Status" column. Hover over the white speech bubble Ad disapproval bubble next to "Disapproved."
      • Click "Resubmit my campaign for review." Remember that this link will appear only if your ad was disapproved for certain violations.
      • Follow the on-screen instructions to resubmit the eligible disapproved ads in your campaign.
      Once you edit and save your ad, it gets sent to us for review. Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review. If we find that you've removed the unacceptable content from your ad and landing page, we can approve your ad to start running.
    1. If you can't change your site, consider using a different landing page for your ad that doesn't use pop-ups. Edit your ad's landing page URL to point to another page of your website that doesn't violate our policies, then save your ad so we can review it again.

    If you aren't able to fix these violations or choose not to, please remove your ad to help prevent your account from becoming suspended in the future for having too many disapproved ads.

    Editorial & professional requirements

    Examples of what's not allowed

    Here are some examples of content that we don't allow:

    Unclear promotion

    The promotion is incomprehensible or does not make sense

  • Examples: Gibberish ad text, overly generic or vague promotions, making ValueTrack tags visible in ad text, blurry image or video ad, blank or gibberish landing page content

  • The promotion doesn't accurately reflect where the user is being directed

  • Examples: Using the display URL "" but leading to a landing page with the URL "," using the keyword insertion feature in the top-level or second-level domain of your display URL like "www.{keyword}.com" 

  • Unclear relevance

    Promotions that are not relevant to the landing page
  • Examples: An ad that uses the keyword insertion feature without a relevant "default" keyword in place, ad title not relevant to ad text, ad doesn't clearly indicate that the resulting landing page is a search results page, engaging in keyword spam

  • Unsupported superlative or competitive claims

    Promotions that contain the superlatives and comparatives "best," "#1," "better than," "faster than," or any other equivalent claims where that claim is not supported by third-party verification on the landing page
  • Examples: Ad text reading "#1 window cleaning service in the world" with no evidence on the landing page to support the claim of being #1. This claim would be permissible if the landing page linked to a third-party industry analysis that showed the company in question to be the most popular, highest quality service, etc.  

  • Usefulness
    Promotions or content that are unnecessarily difficult or frustrating to navigate
  • Examples: Websites with pop-ups or interstitial ads that interfere with the user's ability to see the content requested; hosted ads that are not clearly distinguishable from other site content; video ads that lead users to private content that can't be viewed; sites that disable or interfere with the browser's back button; websites that don't load quickly on most popular browsers and devices, are under construction, not functioning, require download of an additional application to view the landing page (aside from common browser plug-ins), or lead to error messages
  • Style requirements
    Promotions that do not use the features of the ad unit for their intended purpose
  • Examples: Ads that don't contain promotional content, text ads missing a line of text, image ads that only occupy part of the image ad unit, text ads that have the third line of text running into the display URL, using the URL field as an additional line of text, using an email address in place of a phone number when using the call extension feature
  • Promotions that are inconsistent with the clear and informational presentation style of the Google Search results
  • Examples: Ads that contain an exclamation mark in the ad headline, ads that use bullet points or numbered lists, ads containing a call to action such as "click here"
  • Promotions that are not clearly identifiable as promotions
  • Examples: Image ads that don't have a border, contrasting background color, or other means of distinguishing them from page content; ads that appear to be a software download button or official system warning
  • Spelling & grammar 
    Promotions that do not use commonly accepted spelling and grammar
  • Examples: "Flowers here buy" or "Buy flwres here" instead of "Buy flowers here"
  • Punctuation, symbols, capitalization, spacing, or repetition that are not used correctly or for their intended purpose
  • Examples: Excessive or gimmicky use of numbers, letters, symbols, punctuation, repetition, or spacing such as the following: f1owers, fllllowers, fl@wers, Flowers!!!, f*l*o*w*e*r*s, FLOWERS, FlOwErS, F.L.O.W.E.R.S, flowers-flowers-flowers!, f l o w e r s, buyflowershere
  • What you can do

    Here's more detail about each violation and what you can do if your ad is disapproved or your site is suspended:
  • 1 See how to make your URLs comply. The website shown in your ad (that's your display URL) needs to accurately show which website people will be taken to when they click your ad (that's your landing page). The landing page is where people actually end up after passing through any redirects associated with the destination URL, final URL, or tracking template that you set.

    Your URLs need to meet these requirements:
    • URL format: Check that the URL you enter for your ad doesn't include "http://" or "https://" since these are added on separately. The display URL for your site cannot be an IP address (such as 123.45.678.90) or use non-standard characters (such as !, *, #, _, @).
      Not allowed:
              Display URL:
      Not allowed:
              Display URL: **example**.com
    • Domain: The domains of your ad's display URL, final URL, and landing page URL need to match. A domain is the core part of your website address, like the "" in "" and ""
               Display URL:
               Landing page:
      Not allowed:
              Display URL:
              Landing page:
    • Domain extension: Make sure that your URLs use the same domain extension like .com, .net, .fr, or .org.
      Not allowed:
              Display URL:
              Landing page:
      Not allowed:
              Display URL:
              Landing page:
    • Subdomains: If your site uses a domain that hosts many different sites, include a domain and path that clearly identify your company's site from all the other sites hosted by that domain.
      Not allowed:
             Display URL:
             Landing page:
    • Redirects: You can use a redirect for tracking purposes as long as your destination or final URL redirects to a page within the same domain as your display URL.
    • Keyword URLs: If you've assigned a URL to one or more of your keywords, your ad could get disapproved if those keyword-level landing pages do not match the domain of your display URL. To get your ad approved, edit your keyword URL so that its domain matches that of your display URL.
    • Proxy display URLs: Certain shopping platforms, pharmaceutical terms, resellers, and domains with inappropriate language can sometimes use a different domain in order to avoid showing the inappropriate language. Request an exception to this policy.

      Tip: Your disapproval email shows you the domain that your ad pointed to at the time of review. You can also use Webmaster Tools to check the final landing page of your URL to make sure that the resulting domain matches the domain of your display URL.
  • Change the URLs for your ad. Here's how to edit your ad's URLs:
      • On your Ads tab, hover over the ad you want to edit.
      • Click the pencil icon next to your ad to edit it.
      • Click Save when you're done.
      Once you edit and save your ad, it gets sent to us for review. Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day, though some can take longer if they need a more complex review. If we find that you've removed the unacceptable content from your ad and landing page, we can approve your ad to start running.
    If you aren't able to fix these violations or choose not to, please remove your ad to help prevent your account from becoming suspended in the future for having too many disapproved ads.

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